Liste des publication du LabEx ARBRE dans des revues internationales :
- Aguayo, J., Halkett, F., Husson, C., Nagy, Z.A., Szigethy, A., Bakonyi, J., Frey, P., and Marcais, B. (2016). Genetic Diversity and Origins of the Homoploid-Type Hybrid Phytophthora x alni. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82, 7142-7153. doi: 10.1128/aem.02221-16.
- Akroume, E., Zeller, B., Buee, M., Santenoise, P., and Saint-Andre, L. (2016). Improving the design of long-term monitoring experiments in forests: a new method for the assessment of local soil variability by combining infrared spectroscopy and dendrometric data. Annals of Forest Science 73, 1005-1013. doi: 10.1007/s13595-016-0572-3.
- Legout, A., Van derHeijden, G., Jaffrain, J., Boudot, J-P., and Ranger, J. (2016). (2016). Tree species effects on solution chemistry and major element fluxes: A case study in the Morvan (Breuil, France). Forest Ecology and Management 378, 244-258. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.07.003.
- Bakkeren, G., Joly, DL., Duplessis, S.(2016) Editorial: Genomics Research on Non-model Plant Pathogens: Delivering Novel Insights into Rust Fungus Biology. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:216. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00216
- Barbi, F., Prudent, E., Vallon, L., Buee, M., Dubost, A., Legout, A., Marmeisse, R., Fraissinet-Tachet, L., and Luis, P. (2016). Tree species select diverse soil fungal communities expressing different sets of lignocellulolytic enzyme-encoding genes. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 100, 149-159. doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.06.008.
- Barkaoui, A., and Dragicevic, A.Z. (2016). Nash bargaining and renegotiation with social preferences: case of the roundwood log supply contracts in the French timber market. Forest Policy and Economics 69, 90-100. doi: 10.1016/j.forpol.2016.04.007.
- Basso, M.C., Pizzi, A., Al-Marzouki, F., and Abdalla, S. (2016). Horticultural/hydroponics and floral natural foams from tannins. Industrial Crops and Products 87, 177-181. doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.04.033.
- Becheler, R., Xhaard, C., Klein, E.K., Hayden, K.J., Frey, P., De Mita, S., and Halkett, F. (2016). Genetic signatures of a range expansion in natura: when clones play leapfrog. Ecology and Evolution 6, 6625-6632. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2392.
- Bedel, L., Poszwa, A., Van Der Heijden, G., Legout, A., Aquilina, L., and Ranger, J. (2016). Unexpected calcium sources in deep soil layers in low-fertility forest soils identified by strontium isotopes (Lorraine plateau, eastern France). Geoderma 264, 103-116. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.09.020.
- Belle, S., Millet, L., Lami, A., Verneaux, V., Musazzi, S., Hossann, C., and Magny, M. (2016). Increase in benthic trophic reliance on methane in 14 French lakes during the Anthropocene. Freshwater Biology 61, 1105-1118. doi: 10.1111/fwb.12771.
- Berges, L., Avon, C., Arnaudet, L., Archaux, F., Chauchard, S., and Dupouey, J.L. (2016). Past landscape explains forest periphery-to-core gradient of understorey plant communities in a reforestation context. Diversity and Distributions 22, 3-16. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12384.
- Bizet, F., Bengough, A.G., Hummel, I., Bogeat-Triboulot, M.B., and Dupuy, L.X. (2016). 3D deformation field in growing plant roots reveals both mechanical and biological responses to axial mechanical forces. Journal of Experimental Botany 67, 5605-5614. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erw320.
- Bolou-Bi, B.E., Dambrine, E., Angeli, N., Pollier, B., Nys, C., Guerold, F., and Legout, A. (2016). Magnesium Isotope Variations to Trace Liming Input to Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Case Study in the Vosges Mountains. Journal of Environmental Quality 45, 276-284. doi: 10.2134/jeq2015.02.0096.
- Bredoire, F., Bakker, M.R., Augusto, L., Barsukov, P.A., Derrien, D., Nikitich, P., Rusalimova, O., Zeller, B., and Achat, D.L. (2016). What is the P value of Siberian soils? Soil phosphorus status in south-western Siberia and comparison with a global data set. Biogeosciences 13, 2493-2509. doi: 10.5194/bg-13-2493-2016.
- Brunette, M., and Caurla, S. (2016). An economic comparison of risk handling measures against Hylobius abietis and Heterobasidion annosum in the Landes de Gascogne Forest. Annals of Forest Science 73, 777-787. doi: 10.1007/s13595-016-0568-z.
- Brunette, M., and Caurla, S. (2016). An economic comparison of risk handling measures against Hylobius abietis and Heterobasidion annosum in the Landes de Gascogne Forest. Annals of Forest Science 73, 777-787. doi: 10.1007/s13595-016-0568-z.
- Cardi, M., Zaffagnini, M., De Lillo, A., Castiglia, D., Chibani, K., Gualberto, J.M., Rouhier, N., Jacquot, J.P., and Esposito, S. (2016). Plastidic P2 glucose-6P dehydrogenase from poplar is modulated by thioredoxin m-type: Distinct roles of cysteine residues in redox regulation and NADPH inhibition. Plant Science 252, 257-266. doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2016.08.003.
- Chandelier, A., Husson, C., Druart, P., and Marcais, B. (2016). Assessment of inoculation methods for screening black alder resistance to Phytophthoraxalni. Plant Pathology 65, 441-450. doi: 10.1111/ppa.12418.
- Cuny, H.E., and Rathgeber, C.B.K. (2016). Xylogenesis: Coniferous Trees of Temperate Forests Are Listening to the Climate Tale during the Growing Season But Only Remember the Last Words! Plant Physiology 171, 306-317. doi: 10.1104/pp.16.00037.
- Dababi, I., Gimello, O., Elaloui, E., Quignard, F., and Brosse, N. (2016). Organosolv Lignin-Based Wood Adhesive. Influence of the Lignin Extraction Conditions on the Adhesive Performance. Polymers doi: 10.3390/polym8090340.
- Daghino, S., Martino, E., and Perotto, S. (2016). Model systems to unravel the molecular mechanisms of heavy metal tolerance in the ericoid mycorrhizal symbiosis. Mycorrhiza 26, 263-274. doi: 10.1007/s00572-015-0675-y.
- De La Varga, H., and Murat, C. (2016). « Identification and In Situ Distribution of a Fungal Gene Marker: The Mating Type Genes of the Black Truffle, » in Microbial Environmental Genomics, F. Martin & S. Uroz.), 141-149.
- Delacote, P., Robinson, E., Roussel, S., (2016). Deforestation, leakage and avoided deforestation policies: A spatial analysis. Resource and Energy Economics 45, 192-210. doi :10.1016/j.reseneeco.2016.06.006
- Delgado-Sanchez, C., Letellier, M., Fierro, V., Chapuis, H., Gerardin, C., Pizzi, A., and Celzard, A. (2016). Hydrophobisation of tannin-based foams by covalent grafting of silanes. Industrial Crops and Products 92, 116-126. doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.08.002.
- Desprez-Loustau, ML., Aguayo, J., Dutech, C., Hayden, K.J., Husson, C., Jakushkin, B., Marçais, B., Piou, D., Robin, C., and Vacher, C. (2016). An evolutionary ecology perspective to address forest pathology challenges of today and tomorrowAnnals of Forest Science (2016) 73: 45. doi:10.1007/s13595-015-0487-4
- Deveau, A., Antony-Babu, S., Le Tacon, F., Robin, C., Frey-Klett, P., and Uroz, S. (2016). Temporal changes of bacterial communities in the Tuber melanosporum ectomycorrhizosphere during ascocarp development. Mycorrhiza 26, 389-399. doi: 10.1007/s00572-015-0679-7.
- Deveau, A., Gross, H., Palin, B., Mehnaz, S., Schnepf, M., Leblond, P., Dorrestein, P.C., and Aigle, B. (2016). Role of secondary metabolites in the interaction between Pseudomonas fluorescens and soil microorganisms under iron-limited conditions. Fems Microbiology Ecology doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiw107.
- Deveau, A. (2016). How does the tree root microbiome assemble: influence of ectomycorrhizal species on Pinus sylvestris root bacterial communities. Environmental Microbiology. 18, 1303-1305. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13214
- Deveau A., Labbé J. (2016). Mycorrhiza Helper Bacteria. In : Molecular Mycorrhizal symbiosis. Ed : F. Martin. Wiley-Blackwell.437-450.
- Didion, M., Blujdea, V., Grassi, G., Hernandez, L., Jandl, R., Kriiska, K., Lehtonen, A., and Saint-Andre, L. (2016). Models for reporting forest litter and soil C pools in national greenhouse gas inventories: methodological considerations and requirements. Carbon Management 7, 79-92. doi: 10.1080/17583004.2016.1166457.
- Dragicevic, A., Lobianco, A., and Leblois, A. (2016). Forest planning and productivity-risk trade-off through the Markowitz mean-variance model. Forest Policy and Economics 64, 25-34. doi: 10.1016/j.forpol.2015.12.010.
- Dragicevic, A.Z. (2016). From robustness to resilience: A network Price identity approach. Ecological Complexity 28, 47-53. doi: 10.1016/j.ecocom.2016.10.002.
- Dragicevic, A. and Barkaoui, A. (2016), Forest-Based Industrial Network: Case of the French Timber Market, Forest Policy and Economics 75, 23–33.
- Epron, D., Koutika, L.S., Tchichelle, S.V., Bouillet, J.P., and Mareschal, L. (2016). Uptake of soil mineral nitrogen by Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus urophylla x grandis: No difference in N form preference. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179, 726-732. doi: 10.1002/jpln.201600284.
- Epron, D., Plain, C., Ndiaye, F.K., Bonnaud, P., Pasquier, C., and Ranger, J. (2016). Effects of compaction by heavy machine traffic on soil fluxes of methane and carbon dioxide in a temperate broadleaved forest. Forest Ecology and Management 382, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.09.037.
- Epron, D., Tchichelle, S.V., Nouvellon, Y., Mareschal, L., and Koutika, L.S. (2016). No isotopic evidence for a differential mineralization of old soil organic matter in sandy, nutrient-poor, tropical soils under eucalypts and acacias. European Journal of Soil Biology 76, 92-94. doi: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2016.08.003.
- Forrester, D.I., Bonal, D., Dawud, S., Gessler, A., Granier, A., Pollastrini, M., and Grossiord, C. (2016). Drought responses by individual tree species are not often correlated with tree species diversity in European forests. Journal of Applied Ecology 53, 1725-1734. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12745.
- Fortin, M., Manso, R., and Calama, R. (2016). Hybrid estimation based on mixed-effects models in forest inventories. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40, 1310-1319. doi: 10.1139/cjfr-2016-0298.
- Fortin, M., Robert, N., and Manso, R. (2016). Uncertainty assessment of large-scale forest growth predictions based on a transition-matrix model in Catalonia. Annals of Forest Science 73, 871-883. doi: 10.1007/s13595-016-0538-5.
- Fruleux, A., Bonal, D., and Bogeat-Triboulot, M.B. (2016). Interactive effects of competition and water availability on above- and below-ground growth and functional traits of European beech at juvenile level. Forest Ecology and Management 382, 21-30. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.09.038.
- Gérardin, P. (2016). New alternatives for wood preservation based on thermal and chemical modification of wood – a review. Ann. For. Sci. 73(3) 559-570.
- Guinet, C., Boutigny, A.L., Vialle, A., Hamelin, R.C., Frey, P., and Ioos, R. (2016). Simultaneous monitoring and quantification of Melampsora allii-populina and Melampsora larici-populina on infected poplar leaves using a duplex real-time PCR assay. Plant Pathology 65, 380-391. doi: 10.1111/ppa.12426.
- Gutle, D.D., Roret, T., Muller, S.J., Couturier, J., Lemaire, S.D., Hecker, A., Dhalleine, T., Buchanan, B.B., Reski, R., Einsle, O., and Jacquot, J.P. (2016). Chloroplast FBPase and SBPase are thioredoxin-linked enzymes with similar architecture but different evolutionary histories. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113, 6779-6784. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1606241113.
- Hamada, J., Petrissans, A., Mothe, F., Ruelle, J., Petrissans, M., and Gerardin, P. (2016). Variations in the natural density of European oak wood affect thermal degradation during thermal modification. Annals of Forest Science 73, 277-286. doi: 10.1007/s13595-015-0499-0.
- Herve, V., Ketter, E., Pierrat, J.C., Gelhaye, E., and Frey-Klett, P. (2016). Impact of Phanerochaete chrysosporium on the Functional Diversity of Bacterial Communities Associated with Decaying Wood. Plos One doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147100.
- Hoff, G., Bertrand, C., Zhang, L.L., Piotrowski, E., Chipot, L., Bontemps, C., Confalonieri, F., Mcgovern, S., Lecointe, F., Thibessard, A., and Leblond, P. (2016). Multiple and Variable NHEJ-Like Genes Are Involved in Resistance to DNA Damage in Streptomyces ambofaciens. Frontiers in Microbiology doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01901.
- Hussin, M.H., Pohan, N.A., Garba, Z.N., Kassim, M.J., Rahim, A.A., Brosse, N., Yemloul, M., Fazita, M.R.N., and Haafiz, M.K.M. (2016). Physicochemical of microcrystalline cellulose from oil palm fronds as potential methylene blue adsorbents. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 92, 11-19. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2016.06.094.
- Hussin, M.H., Rahim, A.A., Ibrahim, M.N.M., and Brosse, N. (2016). The capability of ultrafiltrated alkaline and organosolv oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) fronds lignin as green corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 0.5 M HCl solution. Measurement 78, 90-103. doi: 10.1016/j.measurement.2015.10.007.
- Jacquot, J.P., Couturier, J., Didierjean, C., Gelhaye, E., Morel-Rouhier, M., Hecker, A., Plomion, C., Gutle, D.D., and Rouhier, N. (2016). Structural and functional characterization of tree proteins involved in redox regulation: a new frontier in forest science. Annals of Forest Science 73, 119-134. doi: 10.1007/s13595-014-0442-9.
- Jahanshahi, S., Pizzi, A., Abdulkhani, A., and Shakeri, A. (2016). Analysis and Testing of Bisphenol A-Free Bio-Based Tannin Epoxy-Acrylic Adhesives. Polymers doi: 10.3390/polym8040143.
- Jeanbille, M., Buee, M., Bach, C., Cebron, A., Frey-Klett, P., Turpault, M.P., and Uroz, S. (2016). Soil Parameters Drive the Structure, Diversity and Metabolic Potentials of the Bacterial Communities Across Temperate Beech Forest Soil Sequences. Microbial Ecology 71, 482-493. doi: 10.1007/s00248-015-0669-5.
- Jolivet, Y., Bagard, M., Cabane, M., Vaultier, M.N., Gandin, A., Afif, D., Dizengremel, P., and Le Thiec, D. (2016). Deciphering the ozone-induced changes in cellular processes: a prerequisite for ozone risk assessment at the tree and forest levels. Annals of Forest Science 73, 923-943. doi: 10.1007/s13595-016-0580-3.
- Kanoun-Boule, M., Vasconcelos, T., Gaspar, J., Vieira, S., Dias-Ferreira, C., and Husson, C. (2016). Phytophthora xalni and Phytophthora lacustris associated with common alder decline in Central Portugal. Forest Pathology 46, 174-176. doi: 10.1111/efp.12273.
- Keech, O., Gardeström, P., Kleczkowski, L.A., Rouhier, N. (2016). The redox control of photorespiration: from biochemical and physiological aspects to biotechnological considerations. Plant Cell Environment, doi: 10.1111/pce.12713.
- Kelly, L.C., Colin, Y., Turpault, M.P., and Uroz, S. (2016). Mineral Type and Solution Chemistry Affect the Structure and Composition of Actively Growing Bacterial Communities as Revealed by Bromodeoxyuridine Immunocapture and 16S rRNA Pyrosequencing. Microbial Ecology 72, 428-442. doi: 10.1007/s00248-016-0774-0.
- Khelifa, M., Celzard, A., Oudjene, M., and Ruelle, J. (2016). Experimental and numerical analysis of CFRP-strengthened finger-jointed timber beams. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 68, 283-297. doi: 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2016.04.007.
- Konate, N.M., Dreyer, E., and Epron, D. (2016). Differences in carbon isotope discrimination and whole-plant transpiration efficiency among nine Australian and Sahelian Acacia species. Annals of Forest Science 73, 995-1003. doi: 10.1007/s13595-016-0589-7.
- Kple, M., Girods, P., Anjorin, M., Fagla, B., and Rogaume, Y. (2016). Thermal Degradation of Household Solid Waste in the Town of Abomey-Calavi in Benin: Kinetic Study. Waste and Biomass Valorization 7, 59-70. doi: 10.1007/s12649-015-9441-9.
- Kuhn, E., Lenoir, J., Piedallu, C., Gégout, J.-C. (2016). Early signs of range disjunction of submountainous plant species: an unexplored consequence of future and contemporary climate changes. Global Change Biology 22, 2094–2105. doi:10.1111/gcb.13243.
- Kulakowski, D., Barbeito, I., Casteller, A., Kaczka, R. and Bebi, P. (2016). Not only climate: interacting drivers of treeline change in Europe. Geographia Polonica 89, 42186.
- Krawczyk, M., Bartczak, A., Hanley, N., and Stenger, A. (2016). Buying spatially-coordinated ecosystem services: An experiment on the role of auction format and communication. Ecological Economics 124, 36-48. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.01.012.
- Lagel, M.C., Hai, L., Pizzi, A., Basso, M.C., Delmotte, L., Abdalla, S., Zahed, A., and Al-Marzouki, F.M. (2016). Automotive brake pads made with a bioresin matrix. Industrial Crops and Products 85, 372-381. doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.12.090.
- Lallement, P.A., Roret, T., Tsan, P., Gualberto, J.M., Girardet, J.M., Didierjean, C., Rouhier, N., and Hecker, A. (2016). Insights into ascorbate regeneration in plants: investigating the redox and structural properties of dehydroascorbate reductases from Populus trichocarpa. Biochemical Journal 473, 717-731. doi: 10.1042/bj20151147.
- Le Brech, Y., Raya, J., Delmotte, L., Brosse, N., Gadiou, R., and Dufour, A. (2016). Characterization of biomass char formation investigated by advanced solid state NMR. Carbon 108, 165-177. doi: 10.1016/j.carbon.2016.06.033.
- Le Tacon, F., Rubini, A., Murat, C., Riccioni, C., Robin, C., Belfiori, B., Zeller, B., De La Varga, H., Akroume, E., Deveau, A., Martin, F., and Paolocci, F. (2016). Certainties and uncertainties about the life cycle of the P,rigord black truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.). Annals of Forest Science 73, 105-117. doi: 10.1007/s13595-015-0461-1.
- Lobianco, A., Caurla, S., Delacote, P., and Barkaoui, A. (2016). Carbon mitigation potential of the French forest sector under threat of combined physical and market impacts due to climate change. Journal of Forest Economics 23, 4-26. doi: 10.1016/j.jfe.2015.12.003.
- Lobianco, A., Delacote, P., Caurla, S., and Barkaoui, A. (2016). Accounting for Active Management and Risk Attitude in Forest Sector Models. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 21, 391-405. doi: 10.1007/s10666-015-9483-1.
- Longuetaud, F., Mothe, F., Fournier, M., Dlouha, J., Santenoise, P., and Deleuze, C. (2016). Within-stem maps of wood density and water content for characterization of species: a case study on three hardwood and two softwood species. Annals of Forest Science 73, 601-614. doi: 10.1007/s13595-016-0555-4.
- Magnussen, S., Naesset, E., Kandler, G., Adler, P., Renaud, J.P., and Gobakken, T. (2016). A functional regression model for inventories supported by aerial laser scanner data or photogrammetric point clouds. Remote Sensing of Environment 184, 496-505. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2016.07.035.
- Magnussen, S., and Renaud, J.P. (2016). Multidimensional scaling of first-return airborne laser echoes for prediction and model-assisted estimation of a distribution of tree stem diameters. Annals of Forest Science 73, 1089-1098. doi: 10.1007/s13595-016-0581-2.
- Marcais, B., Husson, C., Godart, L., and Cael, O. (2016). Influence of site and stand factors on Hymenoscyphus fraxineus-induced basal lesions. Plant Pathology 65, 1452-1461. doi: 10.1111/ppa.12542.
- Martin, F., Kohler, A., Murat, C., Veneault-Fourrey, C., and Hibbett, D.S. (2016). Unearthing the roots of ectomycorrhizal symbioses. Nature Reviews Microbiology 14, 760-773. doi: 10.1038/nrmicro.2016.149.
- Martin, F., and Uroz, S. (2016). « Microbial Environmental Genomics (MEG) Preface, » in Microbial Environmental Genomics, F. Martin & S. Uroz.), V-VI.
- Mingeot, D., Husson, C., Mertens, P., Watillon, B., Bertin, P., and Druart, P. (2016). Genetic diversity and genetic structure of black alder (Alnus glutinosa L. Gaertn) in the Belgium-Luxembourg-France cross-border area. Tree Genetics & Genomes doi: 10.1007/s11295-016-0981-3.
- Molinier, V., Murat, C., Baltensweiler, A., Buntgen, U., Martin, F., Meier, B., Moser, B., Sproll, L., Stobbe, U., Tegel, W., Egli, S., and Peter, M. (2016). Fine-scale genetic structure of natural Tuber aestivum sites in southern Germany. Mycorrhiza 26, 895-907. doi: 10.1007/s00572-016-0719-y.
- Molinier, V., Murat, C., Peter, M., Gollotte, A., De La Varga, H., Meier, B., Egli, S., Belfiori, B., Paolocci, F., and Wipf, D. (2016). SSR-based identification of genetic groups within European populations of Tuber aestivum Vittad. Mycorrhiza 26, 99-110. doi: 10.1007/s00572-015-0649-0.
- Mounguengui, S., Tchinda, J.B.S., Ndikontar, M.K., Dumarcay, S., Atteke, C., Perrin, D., Gelhaye, E., and Gerardin, P. (2016). Total phenolic and lignin contents, phytochemical screening, antioxidant and fungal inhibition properties of the heartwood extractives of ten Congo Basin tree species. Annals of Forest Science 73, 287-296. doi: 10.1007/s13595-015-0514-5.
- Mubarok, M., Sudo Hadi, Y., Suryana, J., Darmawan, W., Simon, F., Dumarcay, S., Gérardin, C., and Gérardin, P. (2016). Feasibility study of utilization of Commercially Available Polyurethane Resins to Develop Non-biocidal Wood Preservation Treatments, Eur. J. Wood Prod. DOI : 10.1007/s00107-016-1128-9.
- Muller, S.J., Gutle, D.D., Jacquot, J.P., and Reski, R. (2016). Can mosses serve as model organisms for forest research? Annals of Forest Science 73, 135-146. doi: 10.1007/s13595-015-0468-7.
- Ngouhouo Poufoun, J., Abildtrup, J., Sonwa, D., Delacote, P., (2016). ”The value of endangered forest elephants to local communities in a transboundary conservation landscape,” Ecological Economics 126, 70-86. doi : 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2011.10.020
- Nicolitch, O., Colin, Y., Turpault, M.P., and Uroz, S. (2016). Soil type determines the distribution of nutrient mobilizing bacterial communities in the rhizosphere of beech trees. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 103, 429-445. doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.09.018.
- Ningre, F., Ottorini, J.M., and Le Goff, N. (2016). Modeling size-density trajectories for even-aged beech (Fagus silvatica L.) stands in France. Annals of Forest Science 73, 765-776. doi: 10.1007/s13595-016-0567-0.
- Payen, T., Murat, C., and Martin, F. (2016). Reconstructing the evolutionary history of gypsy retrotransposons in the Perigord black truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.). Mycorrhiza 26, 553-563. doi: 10.1007/s00572-016-0692-5.
- Peter, M., Kohler, A., Ohm, R.A., Kuo, A., Krutzmann, J., Morin, E., Arend, M., Barry, K.W., Binder, M., Choi, C., Clum, A., Copeland, A., Grisel, N., Haridas, S., Kipfer, T., Labutti, K., Lindquist, E., Lipzen, A., Maire, R., Meier, B., Mihaltcheva, S., Molinier, V., Murat, C., Poggeler, S., Quandt, C.A., Sperisen, C., Tritt, A., Tisserant, E., Crous, P.W., Henrissat, B., Nehls, U., Egli, S., Spatafora, J.W., Grigoriev, I.V., and Martin, F.M. (2016). Ectomycorrhizal ecology is imprinted in the genome of the dominant symbiotic fungus Cenococcum geophilum. Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/ncomms12662.
- Petre, B., Hecker, A., Germain, H., Tsan, P., Sklenar, J., Pelletier, G., Seguin, A., Duplessis, S., and Rouhier, N. (2016). The Poplar Rust-Induced Secreted Protein (RISP) Inhibits the Growth of the Leaf Rust Pathogen Melampsora larici-populina and Triggers Cell Culture Alkalinisation. Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00097.
- Petre, B., Lorrain, C., Saunders, D.G.O., Win, J., Sklenar, J., Duplessis, S., and Kamoun, S. (2016). Rust fungal effectors mimic host transit peptides to translocate into chloroplasts. Cellular Microbiology 18, 453-465. doi: 10.1111/cmi.12530.
- Petre, B., Saunders, D.G.O., Sklenar, J., Lorrain, C., Krasileva, K.V., Win, J., Duplessis, S., and Kamoun, S. (2016). Heterologous Expression Screens in Nicotiana benthamiana Identify a Candidate Effector of the Wheat Yellow Rust Pathogen that Associates with Processing Bodies. Plos One doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149035.
- Piedallu, C., Gegout, J.C., Lebourgeois, F., and Seynave, I. (2016). Soil aeration, water deficit, nitrogen availability, acidity and temperature all contribute to shaping tree species distribution in temperate forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 27, 387-399. doi: 10.1111/jvs.12370.
- Pinto, P.E., Bontemps, J.D., Pierrat, J.C., Franceschini, T., Gelhaye, P., Gegout, J.C., and Leban, J.M. (2016). Investigating the possible impact of atmospheric CO2 increase on Araucaria araucana wood density. European Journal of Forest Research 135, 389-401. doi: 10.1007/s10342-016-0942-2.
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