Pour ce septième appel à projet, 34 projets ont été déposés :
- 15 projets innovants-recherche
- 16 projets incitatifs-recherche
- 1 projet incitatif-valorisation
- 2 projets incitatifs-formation/dissémination.
Suite à l’évaluation par des experts internationaux et par les membres du bureau exécutif du LabEx ARBRE, 19 projets ont été retenus :
7 projets innovants-recherche
- BRAWO : Fate of lignin altered by Brown Rot And White rOt fungi
- GeMM : Genomic, Microbiological and Geochemical Characterization of Mineralosphere
- NanoSteamEx : Production of microfibrillated cellulose by a steam explosion process
- SULPRO : Developing new optogenetic redox biosensors for sulfur compounds
- OZMYC : Impact of abiotic stress (Ozone, drought) on ectoMYCorrhizal symbiosis and role of ectomycorrhization on tree responses
- GENTRHI : Interplay between lateral gene transfer in bacteria and rhizosphere functioning
- BEETWIND : Acclimation of Beech Trees to change in wind mechanical stress following thinning
10 projets incitatifs-recherche
- WaterUnWood : Free Water migration within Unsaturated Wood
- TreeD : Transpiration efficiency using 3D canopy structure
- SATIsFor : Characterize and support Sustainable Adaptations in TerrItorial Forestry systems
- BENCHAFOR : BENchmarking applied to FORest cockCHAfor ecology to ensure regeneration in a context of forest health crises
- PARaDIGM : Role of Poplar defense phytohormones in controlling the root microbiome
- NUTRRESYM : NUtrient signals in forest Trees Regulating Root growth and Ecto-mycorrhizae SYMbiosis
- CHIBEE : Dendroecological Study of Cedar Forests in Mount Lebanon
- WatFluX : Understanding water flux in the xylem, from seasonal dynamics to long-term variations, from xylem cell maturation to forest ecosystems
- Bioval : Bioclimatic modelling of steep-sided valleys in northeastern France
- ChemXtraMat : Chemical-modified polyphenolic wood-extract for eco-friendly materials
1 projet incitatif-valorisation
- LowCostLogger : Development of a low cost dater logger for measurement of soil water potential: optimizing water regime in truffle orchards.
1 projet incitatif-formation/dissémination
- expoTIQUES : Exposition itinérante TIQUES : s’informer, se protéger