Root growth – Biotic Abiotic Stress – Gene Analysis

Post-doctoral researcher:  Rita Teixeira

Research topic:  Analysis of Populus identity root meristem genes during mycorrhyzation with Laccaria bicolor and drought stress

Research team and supervising scientists:
Research team:
Ecogenomics of interactions – UMR 1136 Interactions Arbres/Micro-organismes (IAM)
Supervisor:  Valérie Legué

Contract period:  April 2013 – March 2014


Context and state of the art Root system development is responsive to numerous factors of the rhizosphere, including interactions with fungi, nutrient availability and water availability. While root growth is established and maintained by a balance between cell division and cell elongation, recent work has highlighted the important role of stem cells in the organization of root tissues and in growth.

Objectives and specific questions to be addressed To investigate the role of key transcription factors identified in stem cells in the response of poplar root growth to rhizophere signals: ectomycorrhizal symbionts or water stress. Involvement of hormonal signalling pathways in poplar root growth will be also investigated.

Methodological approachesThe project will combine complementary approaches such as poplar transgenic lines, molecular biology, kinematics and imaging tools.

Expected results and impacts  –  To observe a distinction in gene expression between the control plants and those sujected to both biotic and abiotic stresses.  To associate a specific root tip phenotype to induced stress.