On July 8th researchers met on site at INRA in Champenoux to launch the INABACT project (Impact of nutrient availability on the diversity, function and functioning of forest soil bacterial communities: Insights on soil succession at the experimental forest site at Montiers-sur-Saulx).
This multidisciplinary project linking workpackages WP1 (Tree-microbe interfaces) and WP2 (Forest ecoystem functioning and dysfunction in a changing environment) involves five research units supported by LabEx ARBRE (IAM, BEF, EEF, LERMAB and DYNAmic). At the interface between environmental genomics and biogeochemical cycles, this project aims to understand the impact soil fertility has on taxonomic structure and functioning within microbial communities. This launch meeting began the exchange process between partners as they laid the groundwork for the project to begin in September of this year. Support funding for INABACT has allowed for the recruitment of one PhD student and one postdoctoral researcher.