There are easier things in life than preparing a 20 minute workshop to explain the scientific approach and what it means to be a researcher to an audience of middle school students. But this is the challenge five new PhD students from the University of Lorraine signed up for — and they are ready. Three of these young researchers are working on thesis topics in joint research labs run by INRA within the LabEx ARBRE cluster. This past Monday, 5 October, they spent a day together for one last dry run and presented to each their individual workshops. The exercise proved valuable — this was a chance to share advice and make last minute adjustments to meet the exacting standards of their upcoming young critics (to capture their imagination and keep them interested!).
It all begins this Friday, 9 October, when the 5 doctoral candidates will visit a school in the Meuse and present their science to 9 groups of students. Emeline, Lucie, Mathilde and Pierre-Antoine will leave Nancy the night before to spend a final evening in a gîte close-by, to gather one last time before a very big day.