The Laboratory of Forest Economics will hold its biennial workshop this coming Thursday, 30 June
9h00 – Jacamon conference room
AgroParisTech, 14 rue Girardet, Nancy
Scientific program
Guest speakers :
- Maarit Kallio (LUKE – Natural Resources Institute Finland)
“Reducing the non-ETS GHG emissions with wood-based fuels – impacts and trade-offs within wood-using sectors” - Frank Wätzold (Brandenburgische Technische Universität, Cottbus)
“Costs of uncoordinated site selection with multiple ecosystem services” - Jette Bredahl Jacobsen (University of Copenhagen)
“Which portfolio mix do Danish forest owners apply?” - Marc Hanewinkel (University of Freiburg)
“The Socio-Economics of Forest Adaptation to Climate Change” - Charles palmer (London School of Economics)
“Was von Thünen right? Cattle intensification and deforestation in Brazil” - Mikolaj Czaijkowski (Université de Varsovie)
“Using geographically weighted choice models to account for spatial heterogeneity of preferences” - Philippe Delacote (LEF)
“Climate change impacts on the forest sector: the role of adaptation”