3rd Edition of the PhD Course on “International Forestry and Global Issues”
Responsable scientifique : Erwin Dreyer, UMR 0344 SDAR Nancy
Collaboration : B. Roman-Amat (AgroParisTech, Nancy), J. Van Brusselen (Observatory for European Forests, EFICENT)
Context — The PhD Course on “International Forestry and Global Issues” was originally created as part of the partnership between INRA and RP2E doctoral school that gathers the University of Lorraine, AgroParisTech, INRA and CNRS. The very positive results of the first course, which took place in 2010, led the organizers to consider a second and a third edition and to sustain the event on a biennial basis.
Objectives — The objectives of the course are :
1 . to teach and train highly qualified PhD students in forest and wood sciences (the course is equivalent to 3 ECTS);
2 . to encourage PhD students in Lorraine to open up to the international dimension and to promote international exchanges in the scientific community;
3 . to participate to the visibility of the research organisations in Lorraine and to their attractiveness for young researchers.
Approach — IFGI addresses a range of forest issues, which rank high on the international forest and environmental research and policy agendas. It offers young researchers an excellent opportunity to interact with internationally renowned experts from forest science and policy. Each session is dedicated to a topic:
- State of the World’s forests and overview of international policy
- Production, trade and consumption of wood products in the Bioeconomy
- Climate change and carbon sequestration
- Forest Ecosystem Services
- Regional development, forestry and society
Expected results and impacts — IFGI relates to a flagship area for the research and economy in Lorraine: the forest. It partakes in the policy of scientific excellence and visibility led by research and higher education organisations in Lorraine in this area. The INRA Nancy-Lorraine research centre and AgroParisTech centre in Nancy lead a proactive policy of international attractiveness that benefits the community of the Greater Nancy and the Lorraine Region and was strengthened by the collaboration with the Observatory for European Forests (EFICENT).