LabEx ARBRE — Doc & Postdoc day 4 October, 2023

On October the 4th 2023 will be organised the Labex Day which is dedicated to Phd students, post-phd and young researchers and managed by the TREE quality laboratory. The event will take place in the INRAE center conference room located in Champenoux.

This day aims to encourage meaningful and interdisciplinary exchanges between the attendees. Therefore, we count on everyone participation. Attendees will have to register until the 8th of September.

Phd students and post-Phd who are interested in making a presentation of their work (poster or oral) will have to submit a short abstract in English (300 words maximum) on the 15th of September at the very latest.
Some of them will be selected by the organizers for oral presentation (15 min of presentation +5 minutes for questions). The others will have the opportunity to present their poster during a dedicated session.  Oral selected presentations and the detailed program of the day will be announced on the 25th of September.
To submit an abstract, please send an email to:

Organizing Committee: Ammar Abdalrahem, Simon Berville, Hélène Carletti, Fanny Claise, Aurélie Deveau, Agnès Didier, Natacha Donnay, Florian Mézerette, Elodie Muller, Maria Celeste Ruiz

Don’t hesitate to contact us: