Experimental Initiative for the Future of Forest Ecosystems in Lorraine
The current context of global climate change has led to new generation of questions focused on the future of forests. Climate being the most influential factor affecting the distribution of forest biomes and tree species, bioclimatic zones and forest types are expected to change in response to higher temperatures and more frequent drought scenarios. This will invariably call for new adaptation strategies to safeguard ecosystem services and maintain wood and timber production.
EIFFEL is a 3-hectare experimental forest planted on site at the Jardin Botanique Jean-Marie Pelt (the Jean-Marie Pelt botanical gardens) for the purpose of studying how forest species will adapt to climate changes in Lorraine. This forest will be divided into three sections populated by (i) a mix of species representative of forests in the Lorraine region, (ii) assemblages of thermophilic trees species (which thrive at higher temperatures) also currently found in Lorraine, and (iii) species native to the Mediterranean region which require higher temperatures and are more tolerant to drought conditions.
Following an initial growth phase of several years, the EIFFEL forest will be a valuable tool for studying the effects of climate change on Lorraine forests’ structure and functioning. The EIFFEL project is long-term and ambitious in scope. It aims to implement a dual purpose infrastructure for research and education for future generations of students and researchers from Lorraine and around the world, while providing the public visiting the botanical gardens and the University of Lorraine with unique access to ongoing research.
For more information, read the Projet EIFFEL Presentation
Scientific supervisor : Daniel Epron
Technical and financial project manager : Maude Antoine