Organized by SwissForestLab, ETH Domain Joint Initiatives MainWood & SCENE, NFZ.forestnet, the Summer School will take place from August 19 to 26, 2023 in Davos (Switzerland).
The goal of the Summer School “PROMOWOOD”, jointly organized by the ETH-Domain initiatives MainWood & SCENE, the SwissForestLab and the NFZ.forestnet, is to provide a holistic view on the promotion of wood along the wood value chain. The topic will be addressed by focusing on different angles: Environmental issues (forest dynamics in a changing environment), socio-economic and policy frameworks, possibilities of new wood products, and transdisciplinary challenges (interlinkage of scientific disciplines, stakeholder dialog). The participants will reflect on their own scientific work with respect to other disciplinary methods and discuss possible benefits of interdisciplinary approaches in their field.
The preliminary list of speakers: Peter Bebi (SLF), Alessandra Bottero (SLF), Calum Brown (Highlands Rewilding), Ingo Burgert (ETHZ, Empa), Erwin Dreyer (INRAE), Claude Gracia (HAFL, ETHZ), Marc Hanewinkel (Uni Freiburg), Andrew Held (New Generation Plantations), Stefanie Hellweg (ETHZ), Frank Krumm (WSL), Antonello Lobianco (INRAE), Andreas Rigling (ETHZ), Achim Schafer (FOEN), René Steiger (Empa), Esther Thürig (WSL).
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