Cycle de séminaires Séminaire Forêts, Climat et Société – 02/07/24

Le prochain Séminaire Forêts, Climat et Société accueillera Adam Polinko, Professeur assistant en Sylviculture à Mississippi State University. Son intervention s’intitule « Where the big trees are: Perspectives on North American Silviculture and Forest Stand Dynamics ».  Il aura lieu le mardi 2 juillet 2024, à 10h, dans l’Amphithéâtre A (AgroParisTech Nancy). 

Résumé: Dr. Adam Polinko is an Assistant Professor of Silviculture at Mississippi State University. His research spans across North America focusing on silviculture and forest stand dynamics of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), intensively managed loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), and mixed- species forests of the southeastern United States. His upcoming talk will explore tree growth, forest stand dynamics, and silviculture of North American Forests through two different projects: 1) Examining the interaction between wood quality and ecological silviculture in coastal Douglas-fir and 2) Quantifying maximum size-density relationships in mixed-species stands of the Southeast. 

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