An shared adventure for both PhD students and school kids
The Experimentarium project offers PhD students studying at the University of Lorraine the opportunity to interract with the non-scientific public (students, teachers, general public).
Two training sessions are organized annually and highlight three themes:
- Personalized interviews held in the laboratory where students are given the opportunity to reflect on what gives their research meaning and to consider the perspective of their scientific approach
- Individual research projects for which PhD students not only prepare a presentation of their work aimed at a non-specialist audiences but also design a workshop for an open dialogue with the public about the scientific approach in general and what the profession of researcher involves
- A day of training followed by class demonstrations
In Lorraine, the Experimentarium is run by the association La Vigie de l’Eau in partnership with INRA. Over the past five years, we have worked with 60 young researchers and 650 adults and children who were given the chance to discover the world of research. Funded in large part by the 2013 call for project proposals, Experimentarium received additional support this year from Labex ARBRE.
Five PhD students working on their thesis projects in one of the LabEx research laboratories participated in this training this fall. On November 7, with enthusiasm, they presented their research and their approach to the profession of researcher to a group of 45 particularly attentive and interested students from Lunevillois.