LabEx ARBRE aims to study the functioning and productivity of forest ecosystems. The main objectives are understanding their mechanisms, predicting their responses to global changes and identifying new approaches for assessing and preserving these complex interconnected systems. One of the principle strengths of LabEx ARBRE is that it is structured to bring together a wide range of interdisciplinary expertise to meet these objectives, from the molecular level to the landscape level.
The annual ARBRE PhD & Postdoc Day is designed to highlight the work of young and upcoming researchers; doctoral and postdoctoral students currently working within eight LabEx partner research units. Organized by the PhD and postdoctoral students themselves, this event aims to give those working in different disciplines and research areas a chance to share the focus and dynamics of their own projects and to learn about projects happening in other labs — to set the stage for a constructive and creative exchange of ideas via a series of presentations, discussions, and a scientific poster exhibit!
Save the date ! — This year’s PhD& Postdoc Day will take place on 16 November 2015 at the INRA center in Champenoux. For more details about how to participate and how to register to attend, please visit the ARBRE PhD & Postdoc Day homepage.
- Deadline for abstract submissions : 18 October
- General registration will be open through : 31 October
For PhD and postdoc students interested in participating, please prepare an abstract in English (300 words maximum). A number of participants will be selected for oral presentations (15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions). Others will present posters. Selected presentations and the full conference program will be available at the end of October.