The EFPA Genetics Network Meeting Workshops

Invitation to two workshops on Methodological and technical aspects of population genetics

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

INRA Nancy-Lorraine Center, Champenoux


The thematic areas included in the EFPA (Department of Forest, Grassland and Freshwater Ecology) “Genetics” network cover a full range of variations concerning genetics: population genetics, quantitative genetics and improved genetics for all types of models; animal, plant, microbial, and theoretical.

As part of the annual meeting of geneticiens, the EFPA Department of INRA, with additional support by LabEx ARBRE, has organized two training workshops for November 18 on methodological aspects of analyzing genetic population data.

Two Workshops :

  • Inference with simulations in evolutionary genetics using Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) – hosted by Miguel Navascuès (INRA, Montpellier)
  • Detection of loci selected through genomic scans – presented by Simon Boitard (ISYEB – UMR L’Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité / CNRS / Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris).

For more details on these two workshops, follow this link : EFPA Genetics Network Meeting – Workshops

Ten places have been reserved for interested members of the joint research labs within LabEx. This training is open to researchers and engineers, as well as doctoral and post-doctoral students. Knowledge of base principals of population genetics will be useful for understanding concepts that will be addressed during these workshops, but their primary focus will be on practical methodological application.

If you think you might like to attend, please contact Stéphane De Mita ( before 15 October.  If you are only able to come to one workshop, please specify which one that will be.