If there is one issue that concerns us all, it is climate change. This binding issue is what motivated AgroParisTech Alumni, in partnership with AgroParisTech and UniAgro, to organize a series of three meetings in 2015 dedicated exclusively to the climate: ClimA.
The overall objective will be to produce a white paper based on discussions and proposals from our community of life-science engineers, intended to contribute to international negotiations in the context of the upcoming United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP 21 – Paris – 30 November – 11 December 2015) to be hosted this year in France.
Nicolas Hulot will open the ClimA meetings that will take place on March 10, June 16 and September 15, 2015.
These three meetings will present an opportunity to hold open discussions, exchange to co-construct the “White Paper on Agronomy in France” with the support of perspectives presented by several guest speakers renowned for their skills and expertise.
Among these speakers will be: Sylvie Bénard (R 76), Environment Director of the LVMH group, Chairman of the Strategic Committee of the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) and former President of the OREE association (Organization for Corporate Environmental Responsibility); Professor Gilles Bœuf, Professor at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) and president of the National Museum of Natural History; Dr. Valérie Masson-Delmotte, paleoclimatologist; André-Jean Guérin (GREF 74), Treasurer of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation and standing member of the Economic Social and Environmental Council; Professor Harold Levrel, Professor of Environmental Economics at AgroParisTech; Dr. Thierry Stadler (IAE Lille & UST Lille I), General Director of the competitive cluster for global industry and Agro Resources; Eric Allain (PG 83 and ENA) General Director of FranceAgriMer; Stéphane Gin (PG 82) Director of Agricultural Insurance for Groupama and Expert from the Directorate Mission for Natural Risks (MNR) of the French Federation of Insurance Companies (FFSA) and of the Association of mutual insurers (GEMA); Carole Fonta (ENSMIC-IST 95) Sustainable Development Director of the National Food Industry Association.
For graduates and current students of AgroParisTech, SupAgro Montpellier, Agro Campus Ouest, of the ENSA-INP Toulouse, of ENSAIA of Nancy, of ENSA in Algiers, member schools of the Fésia and more widely, and all French Agronomy Schools, your collective professional and associative experiences in all areas will at once provide a rich base for complex debates on multi-level interactions and promote our courses and our values!
Join us in making this event an unforgettable experience!
The debates will be broadcasted live on the internet via streaming from the Centre Sèvres in Paris with interactivity with a dozen sites throughout all of France, thanks to support by the regional groups of the UniAgro federation.
When : March 10, June 16 and September 15, 2015 from 19h00 to 21h30
Where : G Amphitheatre at AgroParis Tech (14 rue Girardet – Nancy)