Projets de recherche Innovants

Projets soutenus dans le cadre des Appels à Projet Annuels (AAP) :

AAP 2014
  • CLIMATRUF: Improving water management and effect of cultural techniques on soil truffle mycelium, truffle production and soil water balance: pilot experiences toward adaptation of truffle orchards to climate variations  Rapport
  • EST: Exploring symbiotic genomes and transcriptomes Rapport
  • QUALIDAR: Estimation de la qualité des bois ronds et des troncs d’arbre par LiDAR Rapport
  • RootMIX: Are positive diversity-production relationships mediated by root interactions ? A study with different forest mixtures Rapport
  • SSPWood: Functional characterization of fungal small secreted proteins in relation to wood degradation Rapport
AAP 2015
  • BLACKSECRET: Le rôle des petites protéines sécrétées (PSS) dans la formation et le fonctionnement de Cenococcum geophilum, des ectomycorhizes (ECM)  Rapport 1 / Rapport 2
  • ERESY: Elucidating the Role(s) of Effector-like proteins in the ectomycorrhizal Symbiosis Rapport
  • INTERDROUGHT: Tree Species Interactions under Soil Drought Conditions  Rapport
  • SEXSO: Sex as a driving force for microbial community evolution in forest soil Rapport
  • UPTRANS: Upscaling of anatomical, physiological and molecular determinisms of transpiration at wood and leaf levels in poplar trees subjected to water stress Rapport
AAP 2016
  • ASCOTUBE: In vitro and in situ unraveling truffle sexual reproduction us Ascobolus immersus as a test tube model Rapport
  • BAFES: Biomass harvest and ash recycling : impacts on forest ecosystem services values Rapport
  • COHABIT: Controlling hormonal balance in mutualistic interactions between trees and fungi Rapport
  • CHM-era: Utilisation de modèles photgrammétriques de canopée pour l’évaluation de la ressource forestière Rapport
  • GRECOFORCC: Assessing the growth of main European coniferous tree species under a warmer climate regime Rapport
  • METOX: Unravelling new metal- or redox-dependent proteins and processes in plants Rapport
  • VALBEECH: Valorisation du bois de hêtre au travers la mise au point de nouveaux traitements de modification chimique respectueux de l’environnement Rapport
AAP 2017
  • BARK-TAN-BIO: Within- and between- tree Biodiversity of softwood BARK TANnins Rapport
  • EFFECTO3-Flux: Impact de l’ozone et de la sécheresse sur l’allocation du carbone chez le peuplier : conséquences pour la croissance et la production de biomasse ligneuseRapport
  • HFPL: Assessment of the forest history of the Lorraine plateauRapport
  • RESEL: Risk Aversion, Livelihoods and Ecosystem Services Provisioning and Deforestation in Multifunctional LandscapeRapport
  • ROOTUP: Root water uptake in ecosystem models constrained by water isotopes and chloride concentrations Rapport
  • SAP-ONF: La gestion du changement dans les organisations publiques complexes: l’approche de la stratégie comme pratique dans le cas du Contrat d’Objectifs et de Performance 2016-2020 de l’Office National des ForêtsRapport
  • WOODISOTOP: Unravelling the influence of environment and development on intra-annual dynamics of wood formation and resulting tree-ring structure and isotope ratios Rapport
AAP 2018
  • BEETWIND: Acclimation of Beech Trees to change in wind mechanical stress following thinning – Rapport
  • BRAWO: Fate of lignin altered by Brown Rot And White rOt fungiRapport
  • CHETECHINA : Comparative study of HEating TECHnology and INert Atmosphere affecting lignocellulosic biomass thermochemical – Rapport
  • GeMM: Genomic, Microbiological and Geochemical Characterization of Mineralosphere 
  • GENTRHI: Interplay between lateral gene transfer in bacteria and rhizosphere functioning Rapport
  • NanoSteamEx: Production of microfibrillated cellulose by a steam explosion process Rapport
  • OZMYC: Impact of abiotic stress (Ozone, drought) on ectoMYCorrhizal symbiosis and role of ectomycorrhization on tree responses Projet 
  • SULPRO: Developing new optogenetic redox biosensors for sulfur compounds Projet

  • TISANBIOM : Testing and Influencing Stakeholders’ Acceptance of new techno-economic models for a sustainable harvest of forest BIOMass  – Rapport
  • VIP : Virulence Investigations in the Poplar-Poplar trust pathosystem : from population genomics approach to protein characterization of the virulence factor responsible for the resistance R7 breakdown – Rapport
  • WatFlux-Mod : Modelling water flux in the xylem, from seasonal dynamics to long-term ariations, from wylem cell maturation to forest ecosystems – Rapport
AAP 2020
  • ELLIOT : Economic modelling of the international wood trade for an assessment of its economic and environmental impact: a newapproach focused on Asia – Rapport intermédiaire
  • INTERPLAY : Resilience to drought of mixed-species ecosystems resulting from the interplay between plant hydraulics and species interactions – Rapport intermédiaire
  • ModPhenWood : Ecophysiological modelling of the phenology of wood formation in temperate and boreal forest trees – Rapport final
  • PEPS : Defense Peptides from trees of the Salicaceae family – Projet
  • QuaPla : Variation of wood properties and structure from innovative plantations in Lorraine: wood quality and its biomechanical implications – Rapport final
  • SIAMOIS : Smart and innovative monitoring of airborne fungal invaders by molecular methods – Rapport
AAP 2021
  • LUCAS : Accounting for land use dynamics in the calculation of carbon substitution by wood products – Rapport intermédiaire
  • ModAdapt : What models to provide guidance for the adaptation of forests to climate change? Rapport
  • NSICC : Assessment of New Species to cope with the possible Impacts of Climate Change – Rapport intermédiaire
  • POLOMICS : The Ecological Genomics of Wood Decomposition in Polyporales  – Rapport final
  • POPmodels : Understanding Poplar-Microbe Interfaces: From model systems to model synthetic communities – Rapport intermédiaire
  • SubForDyn: Reconstructing, Understanding and Modelling Treeline Dynamics to Support Carbon Sequestration, Biodiversity Conservation, and Infrastructure Protection Rapport intermédiaire
AAP 2022
  • MAGIC : The rescue of beech by well-adapted mycorrhizal fungal partners – Do symbiotic interactions confer adaptive capacity to drought conditions? – Rapport intermédiaire
  • SlowStom : Influence of slow stomatal responses on ecosystem fluxes and water-use efficiency – Rapport intermédiaire
  • TERPECM : Deciphering the role of plant terpenes in the modulation of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis – Rapport final
AAP 2023
  • C4Change : Rising Competencies for Forest Planning Under Grand Challenges  – Projet
  • CAIMAN : CharActerization of the mIneral weathering Mechanisms, genes and regulAtions according to miNeralogical and geochemical factors – Projet
  • CASAVA-B2 : Comprehensive AnalysiS of DecArbonized Valorization of Lignocellulosic biomass with Artificial Intelligence-Aided design in Biomaterials and Biofuels productions – Rapport intermédiaire
  • Cit-extracts : The citizens, actors of the research in Chemical Ecology –
  • IsotopeANA : Efficience d’utilisation de l’eau et résilience du hêtre suite à la sécheresse extrême de 2018 dans le nord-est de la France – Rapport intermédiaire
  • PisolAdapt : Protein synthesis to cell detoxification: could diversification of eEF1Bγ roles in ectomycorrhizal fungi enable adaptation to environmental stress – Rapport intermédiaire
  • RUSTOMICS: An integrated multi-omics approach to decipher the poplar-poplar rust interaction – Rapport intermédiaire