In 2010, a strategic vision from the University of Lorraine had established a geographic opportunity for energy and eco-materials research development in the border city of Longwy. Ten years after, the LERMAB team is at the core of a multidisciplinary research scheme with the energy transition at the heart of the system. The development of computational and experimental platforms has resulted in excellent scientific publications and international conference proceedings. A dozen of Ph.D. thesis, the organization of a Master-Ph.D. topical school and two series of international conferences: ICOME1 (2015) and Intermediate Scale Conference EVF2 (2014).
By hosting the LERMAB team, the IUT research environment has strengthened its research agenda focusing on energy and thus boosting research and innovation in this field.
The simplest ambitions are often the most shared. Our ambition led to a research activity built for and with the socio-economic environment of the named ‘upper French country’ of Lorraine. The topic of sustainable energy and building is a theme for the future where technological innovation is possible .
Our program “Wood, from the tree to the calorie”, develops new projects focusing on the smart wall, the city of the future, energy recovery and environmental protection. Mobility is of paramount importance in this border town. About 20 international scientists have been hosted in our lab, somehow helping to make up for the legend of the cross-border brain drain.
By Pr M. El Ganaoui (
For an extended version, please follow this link :
[1] ICOME Int. Conf. Materials and Energy
[2] Energy and City of the Futur