The Results Seminar for the ONF-INRA Interface Project was presented on June 23 by Paulina Pinto, Dr. Forest Sciences of AgroParisTech and project manager for the interface project “New tools for forest decision making in the context of climate change”.
This seminar was attended by 40 participants: INRA researchers, IGN researchers, Professor-researchers from AgroParisTech, members of the RDI and ONF managers, as well as representatives of the private forest owners.
Quentin Ponette, Professor of the University of Louvain, Olivier Picard, Director of the IDF-CNPF and the RMT Aforce and Eric Lacombe, Professor of forestry at AgroParisTech lead lively discussions on three topics related to: (i) new description methods for forestry stations using bioindication, (ii) prediciton of species distribution as a decision support tool in the context of climate change and (iii) application of these new tools on the scale of forest management.
Three presentations from this seminar (in French) are available via the following links :
- Presentation — session 1
New characterization methods for forestry sites
- Presentation — session 2
Distribution models as tools for species selection
- Presentation — session 3
Application on the local scale
Crédit photo: M. Meuret – INRA