Summer School FORMON

ICP Forests / SwissForestLab / NFZ.forestnet are pleased to announce that registration is open for the 2021 Summer School FORMON “Forest Monitoring to assess Forest Functioning under Air Pollution and Climate Change” in Davos, Switzerland, 22-28 August 2021

More info at:


On October 2nd & 3rd, scientists from the ONF, INRA and DSF will discuss the current knowledge on the biology and ecology of cockchafers to explore novel options to limit the insect outbreaks and their detrimental impact on forest regenerations.

The common and forest Cockchafer are two beetle species well known for the damages they can inflict to forest ecosystems. Whereas the adults may occasion spectacular defoliations to adult trees, the larvae also feed on the roots of young trees causing severe mortality in forest regenerations, further impacting the whole forest management process. Eastern European countries had been facing recurrent infestations since the 1960’s; in France, cockchafer populations seem to have turned from endemic to epidemic in the last 10 years, with dramatic damages reported in young forest stands of Picardie and Northern Alsace. In Germany, chemical treatments proved to be efficient in reducing populations and subsequent damages but their use is now forbidden. A wide diversity of alternatives had been investigated in Europe, mainly based on biological control methods. To date, these studies did not produce results that could be developed and ultimately applied in everyday forest management.

Forest managers now question the opportunity of modifying forest ecosystem parameters that are critical for the different phases of the cockchafer lifecycle. Such actions are likely to produce short-term efficient methods with limited environmental impacts. This project is based on a benchmarking approach of the acquired scientific knowledge of cockchafer biology and of thetechnical experiences accumulated in the European countries that have been subjected to outbreaks in the last decades. We aim at investigating whether changes in silvicultural management are able to limit cockchafer population dynamics.

Our first objective is to establish a state-of-the-art review of the knowledge concerning the environmental factors which determine cockchafer outbreaks. Then, our second objective is to propose a protocol to describe stand cover structure and ground vegetation characteristics which determine cockchafer larval density. These two objectives will initiate national and international networking on the research for solutions to cockchafer damages to forests.

Finally, the proposed project will provide a framework of hypothesis for the research of ecological solutions to prevent cockchafer outbreaks. This innovative project is likely to initiate a technical and scientific strategy for the management crisis caused by cockchafer outbreaks.


CIAG — A forest an wood-based economy?

Screenshot 2016-09-26 16.37.43


Thursday, 8 December 2016
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies
Amphithéatre 8

The Center for Agronomic Innovation (Carrefour de l’Innovation Agronomique – CIAg) has gained recognition for offering research institutions (INRA and other research and development centers geared toward innovation) a valued platform for disseminating new projects and research results. Through a series of topic-specific forum discussions structured to foster productive and informative exchanges between researchers and actors in private sector development, the CIAg has become an important contributor at the crossroads of socio-economic changes currently taking place in industry and the French territories.

INRA has organized an upcoming CIAg forum dedicated to the emergence of a bio-based economy for forest and wood. This event will take place on December 8, 2016 at the Faculty of Science in Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy. This CIAg forum will involve AgroParisTech Nancy and the University of Lorraine, with support from LabEx ARBRE.

While France is at the forefront in Europe in terms of wood production, trends in net trade balance have shown a decades long chronic deficit (currently close to 6 billion euros per year). In this context, the investment initiative Research Innovation 2025 proposes a series of innovation actions for the forest-wood industry which take into account not only new uses for wood and the role of ecosystem services, but also sets out a new vision towards developing research-innovation relations in this sector

In particular, newly developed concepts focused on the bioeconomy, involving the circular economy, and accounting for cascading value of products, by-products and non-linear interactions between sector actors, together offer a comprehensive analytical framework that could potentially breathe new life into the industry. The CIAg will aim to revisit and illustrate innovation issues related to forest resource management and wood uses.

Registration is free and is open through October.
For more information..


LABEX Annual Meeting

Conference Room –  INRA Nancy Center, Champenoux

21 October 2013,  08h00 – 17h45


The primary objective of this meeting will be to present the projects awarded funding by the Labex call for proposals in 2012.  It will aim to highlight and discuss the most noteworthy achievements during the first year of Labex ARBRE, specific to research units and those in each thematic area (Research, Valuation, Training-Dissemination).  Projects selected for funding from the 2013 call for proposals will also be presented.  The day will end with a strategy discussion moderated by project leaders from each thematic area who will focus on how to strengthen relationships between thematic actions and areas of research.

For the detailed meeting agenda please click here – Agenda

Science, precautionary principles, place of the future

Francis Martin, Director of LabEx ARBRE and researcher with the IAM unit, participated recently in a meeting with the President of the Republic and the Ministers in charge of research and ecology. The meeting was entitled “Science, precautionary principles, place of the future”.

At a luncheon, five researchers were invited to give their views on the consequences of the application of the principle of precaution on scientific activities in different fields: biology, genetic, ecology, climate change and nuclear physics. Exchanges were designed to support the reflection of the Executive office on the implementation of this principle written into law February 2, 1995.

Joining Francis Martin were guests Edouard Brézin (physicist, president of the Academy of Sciences), Gilles Bœuf (biologist, president of the national Museum of natural history), Jean Jouzel (climatologist, Chairman of the High Council on science and technology) and Eva Pebay-Peyroula (biologist, former President of the ANR). The Ministers in charge of higher education and research (Geneviève Fioraso) and ecology (Philippe Martin) also attended the meeting which took place on Tuesday, August 20 at the Elysee.


On June 25th, teams of the LERMAB and IaM Departments involved in the LabeX project entitled SYMWOOD (Comparative Genomics and Biochemistry of SYMbiosis and WOOD decay machineries in Fungi) have discussed their most recent results and planned future experiments.


Les enseignants en forêt

Dans le cadre de l’offre de formations proposée par la Maison pour la Science et la Technologie Lorraine, ARBRE accueille les 2 et 4 avril 2013 sur le campus INRA de Champenoux 15 enseignants de primaire, pour une initiation à la démarche scientifique autour de l’écosystème forestier. La formation proposée a été construite en partenariat avec le Centre Permanent d’Initiatives pour l’Environnement Nancy Champenoux et la Maison Départemental de l’Environnement.

Les enseignants sont mis en situation d’observation de deux parcelles forestières (1ère demi-journée). En quoi sont-elles différentes ? Cette première étape les conduit à poser toutes les questions/hypothèses qui leur viennent à l’esprit. S’en suit alors un temps d’échange avec les formateurs pour discuter de ces différentes hypothèses et imaginer des pistes/approches pour tester ces hypothèses (2ème demi-journée). Cette demi-journée est aussi consacrée à une présentation par un chercheur INRA d’un projet de recherche en lien avec la problématique générale, et à la formalisation d’un nombre plus restreint de questions de recherche, pouvant donner lieu à un travail ultérieur en ateliers. Le 2ème jour est consacré à la découverte d’un autre type d’écosystème – un espace naturel sensible –, et des approches permettant de décrire la biodiversité d’un milieu. Au cours du troisième jour, le travail en ateliers alterne avec des apports de connaissances dispensés par des scientifiques du domaine. A partir des connaissances acquises et des ressources mises à disposition, il s’agit pour les enseignants de proposer des hypothèses en réponse aux questions posées le 1er jour. A la fin du 3ème jour, chaque groupe présente aux autres le fruit de sa réflexion sous forme d’un poster. Le 4ème jour est consacré à la construction de séquences pédagogiques permettant de répondre à chacune des questions dans l’objectif de tester chacune des hypothèses avec une classe. Ce travail est encadré par un maître formateur de l’IUFM.

Tous nos remerciements à Jean Garbaye, Yves Lefèvre et Laurent Saint-André

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EFI 20 Years Science and Policy Forum

EFI 20 Years Science and Policy Forum to be held in Nancy, France on 23–27 September 2013: ‘Our forests in the 21st century – ready for risks and opportunities?’

Also, the website of the EFI 20th Anniversary has been opened at:

In addition to the website on the EFI 2013 Annual Conference, you can also find information on the EFI 20th Anniversary Photo Contest, celebrating the beauty and unique character of your favourite forests. More information on the photo contest is available at:

I would kindly encourage you to get acquainted with the EFI 20th Anniversary website before the registration to the Annual Conference opens in late April. And while waiting for the registration to open, you have a great opportunity to start entering the first of your best photos on your favourite forests.