ARBRE Conference — Christine Farcy

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“Social representations of the forest: paradoxes and challenges”

Christine Farcy— Research fellow and invited lecturer at the University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)

Social representations are organized sets of information, opinions, attitudes and beliefs about a given object, in this case the forest, constituting a common sense knowledge shared by members of a society. They are formed from experiences but also from knowledge and thought patterns received and transmitted by tradition, education and social communication. Barometers of perceptions by societies, they are a particularly useful tool in the situations of social changes such as that currently being and that sees forestry subject to powerful drivers of change (urbanization, tertiarization and globalization). After recalling the conditions and processes involved in the emergence of social representations, we will present the results of recent studies, analyze the paradoxes highlighted and discuss the challenges facing forester and more generally forestry.

Friday, 30 September at 13h30 in the main conference room at INRA Champenoux


Romain Koszul with the Institut Pasteur


Thursday, 27 March

14h00 in Amphithéâtre 7- University of Lorraine, Faculty of Sciences, Vandeouvre


As part of the series of conferences organized with support from LabEx ARBRE, Romain Koszul with the Pasteur Institute will present a lecture entitled ‘Ideas on the diverse organization of chromosomes in eukaryotic or prokaryotic microorganisms ‘.

Click here to read the full résumé


Romain Koszul
Genetics of genomes – CNRS/Institut Pasteur, Paris

Roman Koszul is a biologist and an agricultural engineer by training and a former student of the Université Paris-Sud and AgroParisTech. From 2001 to 2004, he prepared a doctorate in biology at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie and Institut Pasteur. In 2005, he joined Nancy Kleckner’s laboratory at Harvard University where he concentrated his work for four years on the interface between physics and biology and the mechanical properties and dynamics of chromosomes. Recruited by the CNRS in 2008 as a research fellow, he has just put together a team at the Pasteur Institute to work on the “spatial regulation of genomes”.

Dynamic interaction between eukaryotic chromosomes: impact on the stability of the genome (DICIG)

This project aims to understand the functional and mechanical interactions between chromosomes, nuclear periphery and cytoskeleton, as well as their influence on genomic stability, through in vivo and in vitro approaches in a eukaryotic model, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genomic studies, combined with analyses of quantitative microscopy, allow researchers to precisely describe the organization of chromosomes relative to each other, in different genetic backgrounds. Genetic experimentation permits researchers to measure the significance of this organization in processes related to DNA metabolism.

Truffle Technical Fair 2014

Annual meeting of scientific researchers and the truffle industry

2-3 April  2014


The Truffle Technical Fair (JTT)

The JTT will be held in 2014 for the first time in Lorraine thanks to support from LabEx ARBRE.  Its aim is to promote an exchange between truffle farmers and truffle sector professionals and scientists and technicians working in laboratories involved in truffle research by gathering from 20 to 30 specialized technicians and truffle engineers, visiting researchers and truffle-farming representatives from the Lorraine region and from the French Truffle Federation (FTT).

What is the Truffle Technical Fair?

The decline in truffle production as definitively been over for 25 years and we are even now seeing a trend of increased production.  This increase is in part due to an experimental scheme implemented by the French Truffle Federation and scientific advances made possible thanks to investments from INRA. For 20 years, 28 technicians have been directly involved in following experimental sites that represent a total planted area of 125 hectares. JTT2014 was created to facilitate group discussions about results rendered from each regions experimental schemes.

Why host the Truffle Technical Fair in Lorraine?

The Lorraine region has a long tradition of truffle production and consumption.  Several species of truffles can be found in Lorraine such as the Burgundy truffle (Tuber aestivum), the Mésentérique truffle or the Meuse truffle (Tuber mesentericum) and the black Périgord truffle (T. melanosporum).  The black truffle culture, as well as that of the Burgundy truffle, represent for farmers and foresters in Lorraine a concrete and viable opportunity for diversification. The House of Truffles in Boncourt on the Meuse, which welcomes more than 2000 visitors each year, is an excellent example of the current trend in eco-tourism which truffles could help develop further.  The Truffle Technical Fair in Lorraine aims to facilitate a local truffle exchange with technicians from surrounding regions but also presents an opportunity to showcase experimental schemes already in place in the region.


For the detailed JTT 2014 program
For more information, visit the JTT2014 website

International Conference in Gerardmer in 2014

5th Forest Engineering Conference
Forest engineering : propelling the forest value chain

23-26 September

Gerardmer, France


The ONF (Office National des Forêts), partner of the 5th edition of the international conference on forest engineering (Forest Engineering Conference) announces this major international event to be held in September 2014 in Gérardmer.

The FEC is an open forum for researchers and practitioners of forest engineering from around the world.  The major theme of this conference is the exchange of knowledge, operational experience and innovative ideas.

This also presents an excellent opportunity to promote R&D work conducted by teams in Lorraine (particularly in theme 1 : “Managing interactions between logging operations and ecosystem services”), but also to illustrate recent innovative measures taken by the forest industry in Lorraine.

Two days of indoor technical sessions are on the agenda as well as a full day of local field demonstrations in sub-mountainous forests.  Your contributions are expected!

Proposals for abstracts for presentations should be submitted by 31 December 2013 – please follow the following link to visit the conference website for more information (

For the conference poster – Affiche FEC2014
To consult the Call for Papers, please click here – Call for papers FEC2014

Jacques Monod Conference – Bacteria & Fungal Interactions

Conférence Jacques Monod co-organized by l’INRA, CNRS and Labex ARBRE
Bacterial-fungal interactions: a federative field for fundamental and applied microbiology

7-11 December in Roscoff (Bretagne)


Historically, the classical separation of microbiological research between bacteriologists and mycologists has led to the study of bacteria and fungi in gnotobiotic settings. This compartmentalization has overlooked the fact that in many environments bacteria and fungi coexist and interact, forming physically and metabolically interdependent consortia that harbour distinct properties from their single components. These mixed consortia are of central practical importance in an exceptionally diverse variety of fields including agriculture, forestry, environmental and cultural heritage protections, food processing, biotechnology, and medicine.

By not focusing exclusively on one area of application, the Jacques Monod Conferences seek to generate a novel unifying perspective on BFIs that enables the identification fundamental themes, mechanisms and areas of mutual interest.


Please click here for the Jacques Monod conference flyer

PlantReDyn Workshop

Plant Reserve Dynamics Workshop

16-17 October 2013

Salle Aubergine – INRA, Champenoux



Context Perennial agro-ecosystems differ from natural ecosystems in that management and productivity issues impose repeated pollution disturbances (irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides, etc). An increase in societal and environmental issues advocate for their reduction while maintaining productivity.   However, in a changing climate, to date the impacts of these reductions on productivity are not yet fully underestood, particularly for planted forests and the wider forest industry. Therefore, the study of long term changes on carbon (C), nitrogen (N), water, and sustainable productivity of agro-ecosystems, has become necessary in order to develop appropriate management strategies.

Objectives To further our knowledge of the physiological mechanisms that ensure stress resistance, survival and post-stress recovery and therefore the stability of productivity and persistence over time, a scientific consortium has been created, joining forces of ecophysiologists and modellers from various French scientific organizations (INRA, CIRAD, CNRS, Universities), working on forest trees, orchard trees, commercial poplar plantations, and perennial forage crops and from Mediterranean and temperate regions.

The PlantReDyn workshop (INRA Nancy, Oct. 17, 2013), will help us to finalize the project for 2014 (RESIST project: “Plant Reserve Dynamics: a key for perenniality and productivity of perennial agro-ecosystems under increased stresses”).

For the detailed workshop agenda please click here – Agenda

International MeMoWOOD Conference

As part of the celebration honoring 20 years of the European Forest Institute ( EFI ), the international conference MeMoWOOD (Measurement Methods and Modeling Approaches for Predicting Desirable Future Wood Properties) was held at the Park Inn hotel in Nancy from 1-4 October.


This was the seventh meeting of the group 5.01.04 (concentrating on wood quality modeling) of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO).

In attendance were 80 scientists currently studying wood in Togo, Benin and Madagascar, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, France, USA and Canada, Japan, Nepal, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Brazil and Colombia .

It was funded by the registration of participants, by the Lorraine region, AgroParisTech, the EFPA Department of INRA and by Labex ARBRE.   It was co-organized by the INRA-AgroParisTech research unit LERFOB in Nancy and the Chair of Forest Biomaterials at the University of Freiburg.  Numerous researchers from the Nancy -Freiburg- Zurich network( NFZ ) were also present.

MeMoWood has contributed to the development of state of the art technology designed for measuring and modeling wood properties; technology valuable both for current and future applications, certainly potentially valuable to numerous international collaborative projects.

Presentation summaries, slideshows and posters will soon be posted on the official conference website.  Also in preparation is an issue of the Annals of Forest Science dedicated to MeMoWood.
The next IUFRO group conference will take place in June 2016, in Quebec.

For more info:  ou

LABEX Annual Meeting

Conference Room –  INRA Nancy Center, Champenoux

21 October 2013,  08h00 – 17h45


The primary objective of this meeting will be to present the projects awarded funding by the Labex call for proposals in 2012.  It will aim to highlight and discuss the most noteworthy achievements during the first year of Labex ARBRE, specific to research units and those in each thematic area (Research, Valuation, Training-Dissemination).  Projects selected for funding from the 2013 call for proposals will also be presented.  The day will end with a strategy discussion moderated by project leaders from each thematic area who will focus on how to strengthen relationships between thematic actions and areas of research.

For the detailed meeting agenda please click here – Agenda