LabEx ARBRE Seminar: Dr. Michiel VOS

A seminar by Dr. Michiel Vos entitled: ‘Natural variation in the social bacterium Myxococcus xanthus’ will take place on Thursday 9th March 2017 at 2.00 pm at the Faculté des Sciences et Techniques (FST) à Vandoeuvre – Amphi 7

“The soil bacterium Myxococcus xanthus is best known for its ability to build multicellular fruiting bodies. This form of social development has been shown to be prone to ‘cheating’ behaviour by asocial clones. Previous work has mainly been based on laboratory strains. In this talk, I will describe work on the genetic, phenotypic and behavioural diversity of natural populations of this fascinating species.”

Dr. Vos is invited by the Department DynAMic and his lecture is given within the Master BioMANE program. The seminar is sponsored by the LabEx ARBRE.


Call for Proposals 2017 – Results


Pour ce sixième appel à projet, 29 projets ont été déposés :

  • 15 projets innovants-recherche
  • 8 projets incitatifs-recherche
  • 2 projets incitatif-valorisation
  • 4 projets incitatifs-formation/dissémination.

Suite à l’évaluation par des experts internationaux et par les membres du bureau exécutif du LabEx ARBRE, 16 projets ont été retenus :

6 projets innovants-recherche 

  • BARK_TAN_BIO : Within- and between- tree Biodiversity of softwood BARK TANnins
  • HPFL : Assessment of the forest history of the Lorraine plateau
  • RESEL : Risk Aversion, Livelihoods and Ecosystem Services Provisioning and Deforestation in Multifunctional Landscape
  • ROOTUP : Root water uptake in ecosystem models constrained by water isotopes and chloride concentrations
  • WOODISOTOP : Unravelling the influence of environment and development on intra-annual dynamics of wood formation and resulting tree-ring structure and isotope ratios
  • SAP-ONF : La gestion du changement dans les organisations publiques complexes: l’approche de la stratégie comme pratique dans le cas du Contrat d’Objectifs et de Performance 2016-2020 de l’Office National des Forêts

6 projets incitatifs-recherche

  • DivBact0 : Characterisation of the taxonomic and functional diversity of bacterial communities isolated from heartwood and sapwood of decaying oak
  • FOREST-TRIP : FORESTry policies design for under climate change: improving Time and RIsk Preferences measures
  • FORMES : Efficient FORest Management Strategies for Ecosystem Service provision
  • L4REX : Looking for REX (looking for Phanerochaete chrysosporium mutants Resistant to EXtractives)
  • BiopolyMOS : Fractionation and Characterization of Fungal And Tree Biopolymers during forest MOS degradation
  • MycorWeath : Experimental characterization and quantification of the contribution of biological weathering from mycorrhizal fungi to tree nutrition by isotopic dilution

1 projet incitatif-valorisation 

  • XPSILV : Adapt GIS Coop experimental silvicultural network to imagine new silvicultures in global change context

3 projets incitatifs-formation/dissémination

  • DOPALEP-2 : Développement d’outils partagés pour la sylviculture de pin d’Alep de qualité
  • SIFER : International Doctoral Course “Stable Isotopes in Forest Ecosystem Research
  • NEWSYLVADAPT : Partage d’expérience et identification des priorités d’action pour la mise en place concertée de nouvelles sylvicultures adaptatives durables, rentables, et acceptables socialement.

Les résumés des projets retenus seront disponibles prochainement.

CIAG — A forest an wood-based economy?

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Thursday, 8 December 2016
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies
Amphithéatre 8

The Center for Agronomic Innovation (Carrefour de l’Innovation Agronomique – CIAg) has gained recognition for offering research institutions (INRA and other research and development centers geared toward innovation) a valued platform for disseminating new projects and research results. Through a series of topic-specific forum discussions structured to foster productive and informative exchanges between researchers and actors in private sector development, the CIAg has become an important contributor at the crossroads of socio-economic changes currently taking place in industry and the French territories.

INRA has organized an upcoming CIAg forum dedicated to the emergence of a bio-based economy for forest and wood. This event will take place on December 8, 2016 at the Faculty of Science in Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy. This CIAg forum will involve AgroParisTech Nancy and the University of Lorraine, with support from LabEx ARBRE.

While France is at the forefront in Europe in terms of wood production, trends in net trade balance have shown a decades long chronic deficit (currently close to 6 billion euros per year). In this context, the investment initiative Research Innovation 2025 proposes a series of innovation actions for the forest-wood industry which take into account not only new uses for wood and the role of ecosystem services, but also sets out a new vision towards developing research-innovation relations in this sector

In particular, newly developed concepts focused on the bioeconomy, involving the circular economy, and accounting for cascading value of products, by-products and non-linear interactions between sector actors, together offer a comprehensive analytical framework that could potentially breathe new life into the industry. The CIAg will aim to revisit and illustrate innovation issues related to forest resource management and wood uses.

Registration is free and is open through October.
For more information..


ARBRE Conference — Martin Drechsler

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“Ecological economic modeling for biodiversity conservation”

Martin Drechsler — Research fellow at the Institute of Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig

Wednesday, 5 October 2016
13h30 — main conference room
INRA Champenoux

LabEx ARBRE and the LEF joint research unit (Forest Economics Laboratory) are pleased to announce the upcoming conference by Martin Drechsler, a research fellow at the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ in Leipzig. The title of this conference is “Ecological economic modeling for biodiversity conservation”. Dr. Drechsler will provide an overview of the potential uses and application of integrated ecological-economic modeling and will concentrate on four principal axes: (1) analyzing spatial and temporal dynamics within a specific territory with a view to issuing tradable permits promoting biodiversity conservation, (2) developing a formula for assessing the viability of a population in the context of global changes, (3) supporting collaborative management of mobile resources, and (4) designing an online tool to support the implementation process for agri-environment management measures (ECOPAY : Agri-environment measures provide payments to farmers who subscribe, on a voluntary basis, to environmental commitments related to the preservation of the environment and maintaining the countryside).

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Save the date : the LabEx ARBRE annual conference on 18 October 2016

LabEx ARBRE will hold is annual conference this year on 18 October 2016. Special focus will be given to research results from numerous multidisciplinary projects selected from the annual ARBRE call for proposals, those from knowledge-transfer projects funded within the framework of the 2015 ARBRE-RMT AFORCE joint call for proposals, recently launched actions connected to the upcoming merger between the BEF and LIF labs and to scientific mediation projects.

For the detailed meeting agenda please click here :Colloque annuel ARBRE 2016_ programme final

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ARBRE Conference — Christine Farcy

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“Social representations of the forest: paradoxes and challenges”

Christine Farcy— Research fellow and invited lecturer at the University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)

Social representations are organized sets of information, opinions, attitudes and beliefs about a given object, in this case the forest, constituting a common sense knowledge shared by members of a society. They are formed from experiences but also from knowledge and thought patterns received and transmitted by tradition, education and social communication. Barometers of perceptions by societies, they are a particularly useful tool in the situations of social changes such as that currently being and that sees forestry subject to powerful drivers of change (urbanization, tertiarization and globalization). After recalling the conditions and processes involved in the emergence of social representations, we will present the results of recent studies, analyze the paradoxes highlighted and discuss the challenges facing forester and more generally forestry.

Friday, 30 September at 13h30 in the main conference room at INRA Champenoux


EIFFEL — An experimental forest in Nancy

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Experimental Initiative for the Future of Forest Ecosystems in Lorraine

EIFFEL is an incentive research project launched with support from the LabEx ARBRE 2015 call for proposals. The EIFFEL 3-hectaire experimental forest planted on site at the Jean-Marie Pelt Botanical Garden in Nancy will serve as a valuable tool for studying the effects of climate change on Lorraine.

The current context of global climate change has led to new generation of questions focused on the future of forests. Climate being the most influential factor affecting the distribution of forest biomes and tree species, bioclimatic zones and forest types are expected to change in response to higher temperatures and more frequent drought scenarios. This will invariably call for new adaptation strategies to safeguard ecosystem services and maintain wood and timber production.

EIFFEL is a 3-hectare experimental forest planted on site at the Jardin Botanique Jean-Marie Pelt (the Jean-Marie Pelt botanical gardens) for the purpose of studying how forest species will adapt to climate changes in Lorraine. This forest will be divided into three sections populated by (i) a mix of species representative of forests in the Lorraine region, (ii) assemblages of thermophilic trees species (which thrive at higher temperatures) also currently found in Lorraine, and (iii) species native to the Mediterranean region which require higher temperatures and are more tolerant to drought conditions.

Follojardin botaniquewing an initial growth phase of several years, the EIFFEL forest will be a valuable tool for studying the effects of climate change on Lorraine forests’ structure and functioning. The EIFFEL project is long-term and ambitious in scope. It aims to implement a dual purpose infrastructure for research and education for future generations of students and researchers from Lorraine and around the world, while providing the public visiting the botanical gardens and the University of Lorraine with unique access to ongoing research.


For more information, read the  Projet EIFFEL Presentation

Scientific supervisor : Daniel Epron
Technical and financial project manager : Maude Antoine



Research at the heart of Europe

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NFZ.forestnet is a European research and higher education network which gathers French, German and Swiss institutions conducting research in forestry, forest ecosystems and forest-related fields. Its aim is to create and develop collaborative research and educational projects. The network currently includes the University of Freiburg, the Forest Research Institute of Baden-Württemberg (FVA), the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), AgroParisTech and the University of Lorraine.

Founded in 2006, the NFZ network is celebrating its 10 years this year! To mark the occasion, several new actions have recently been proposed and a renewed framework agreement was signed on September 2, 2016 at the University of Freiburg.

Representatives of the different partner institutions gathered for this event which included a historical look at NFZ with presentations of the networks flagship projects, highlights of European and international collaborative projects developed through the network, and a forward look at challenges expected for the near future. Among the networks numerous collaborative initiatives, two research projects in particular have garnered attention recently: ‘BlackSecret‘ focused on mycorrhizal fungi, and ‘Interdrought‘ on severe drought scenarios – both lead through cooperation between INRA, WSL and LabEx ARBRE.


The signbioforing ceremony was held at the end of this year’s NFZ 2016 Summer School on “Bioeconomy – a challenge for European forestry and the bio-based sector” (BioFor). This unique week-long interdisciplinary and international program ended with PhD students presenting their work on all aspects of forest sciences and fields closely related to bioeconomy (from social sciences to natural sciences, material, wood and engineering). The students’ innovative style combining role-playing, criticism, controversy and humor made this event all the more memorable. Another example of the quality of exchanges taking place within the NFZ network.