Thursday, 8 December 2016
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies
Amphithéatre 8
The Center for Agronomic Innovation (Carrefour de l’Innovation Agronomique – CIAg) has gained recognition for offering research institutions (INRA and other research and development centers geared toward innovation) a valued platform for disseminating new projects and research results. Through a series of topic-specific forum discussions structured to foster productive and informative exchanges between researchers and actors in private sector development, the CIAg has become an important contributor at the crossroads of socio-economic changes currently taking place in industry and the French territories.
INRA has organized an upcoming CIAg forum dedicated to the emergence of a bio-based economy for forest and wood. This event will take place on December 8, 2016 at the Faculty of Science in Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy. This CIAg forum will involve AgroParisTech Nancy and the University of Lorraine, with support from LabEx ARBRE.
While France is at the forefront in Europe in terms of wood production, trends in net trade balance have shown a decades long chronic deficit (currently close to 6 billion euros per year). In this context, the investment initiative Research Innovation 2025 proposes a series of innovation actions for the forest-wood industry which take into account not only new uses for wood and the role of ecosystem services, but also sets out a new vision towards developing research-innovation relations in this sector
In particular, newly developed concepts focused on the bioeconomy, involving the circular economy, and accounting for cascading value of products, by-products and non-linear interactions between sector actors, together offer a comprehensive analytical framework that could potentially breathe new life into the industry. The CIAg will aim to revisit and illustrate innovation issues related to forest resource management and wood uses.
Registration is free and is open through October.
For more information..