Emilie Robert

Technicienne biologiste en plateforme technologique

Contact Research IDs:

  • e-mail: emilie.robert@univ-lorraine.fr
  • Phone: +33 (0)3 72 74 51 66
  • Address: Plateforme ASIA
    Université de Lorraine – Faculté des Sciences et Technologies
    Boulevard des Aiguillettes
    BP 70239
    54506 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex
  • Orcid
  • ReserchGate


After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in analytical and experimental biology at the Nancy Brabois IUT (University Institute of Technology) in 2015, I spent 4 years (2015 – 2019) as a contract biology technician supporting the research activities of the “ICE-Transfert et Adaptation” team of the “Dynamique des génomes et Adaptation Microbienne” (DynAMic) lab, based at the University of Lorraine. I’ve been recruited as biologist technician in 2019 on the “Approches Fonctionnelles et Structurales des InterActions Cellulaires” (ASIA) technology platform, set up in 2017 by 4 Research Units and attached to the “Agronomie, Agroalimentaire, Forêt” (A2F) scientific cluster. In 2022, I obtained a master’s degree in life sciences through validation of prior learning. In 2023, I joined the “Interaction Arbres-Microorganismes” (IAM) lab, one of ASIA’s founding laboratories, where I spend 20% of my time supporting research projects in the “Réponse aux Stress et Régulation Redox” team.

I am the functional manager of the ASIA platform (https://a2f.univ-lorraine.fr/asia/) and I work alongside the operational manager who runs the platform. The platform provides around twenty pieces of devices used at different levels for: (I) the preparation and fractionation of biological samples, (II) the purification and characterisation of molecules, (III) the spectroscopic determination of samples and (IV) the study of molecular interactions and gene expression.

I am a prevention assistant at the University of Lorraine and have been a certified first-aid worker since 2019.


Link to google scholar