
IAM researchers publish mainly in five disciplinary areas :

Plant Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular biology, Microbiology, Genetics and Ecology

In the following journals (more than 7 articles published during the last five years) :

New phytologist, PLoS One, Frontiers in Plant Science, Environmental microbiology, Fungal Genetics and Biology, Annals of Forest Sciences, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Molecular Ecology, Plant Physiology, Mycorrhiza

Keywords from Abstracts of the articles published in 2014:

Sans titre

Key Indicators : (January 2011-June 2016)

  • 301 : Articles in International Journals
  • 3.4 : Articles per year/full-time scientist
  • 4.8 : Average impact factor
  • 95% : of the articles published in journals ranked as exceptional or excellent according to Noria

Publications :