- Erwin SENTAUSA , Ecogenomics of interactions team, 2014-2016
- Yohann DAGUERRE, Ecogenomics of interactions team, 2014-2016
- Joske RUYTINX, Ecogenomics of interactions team, 2014-2016
- Herminia DE LA VARGA, Ecogenomics of interactions team, 2013-2016
- Yannick COLIN, Ecogenomics of interactions team, 2014-2016
- Thomas RORET, Stress response and redox regulation, 2014-2016
Scientific stays:
- Hairu JIN, coming from Jiangnan University, China 09/15-09
- Joey SPATAFORA, coming from from Oregon State University (OSU), 09/15-03/16
- Loïda LOPEZ, coming from University Rovira i Virgili, Spain 02-03/16
- Clément PELLEGRIN, Ecogenomics of interactions team, 2012-2016
- Désiré GUTLE, Stress response and redox regulation, 2013-2016
Short term stays:
- Juan CHEN (PhD student), coming from Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China, 03/15-03/16
Short term staff:
- Mehdi MAAROUGI (technician) 09-10/2016
- Camille COMMUNAL (technician) 07-09/2016
- Emilie HOSCHEIT (BTS gestion forestière work-study) 09/2014-09/2016
- Myriam DELARUELLE (engineer assistant) 06-08/2016
- Clément RIEUX (technician) 06-07/2016
- François RITTIE (technician) 06-07/2016
- Solène TELLIEZ 10/2015-06/2016
- Master and engineer school internships:
Claire LETANNEUR (Bachelor, coming from University of Québec), Marie-Ange MASSICOTTE (Bachelor, coming from University of Québec), Davide FINELLI (Master), Aurélien SCHWEITZER (Master), Julie RUCH (engineer school), Aurélie BACKES (M1), Amrane CHABANE CHAOUCHE (M1), Laura MEYER (M1), Thibaut PETIT (M1), Maxime SALOT (M2), Bertrand EVEN (M1), François JOUSSEMET (Ing. Supagro), Valentin LEDUC (Ing. INSTOM), Désiré GUTLE (
- Licence, BTS and other internships:
Sébastien TORRES (licence Pro) Cloé THOIRAIN (BTS), Bernadette-Acha ANTOINE (BTS), Samantha VILLERMAIN (BTS), Alicia ANCELIN (BTS), Marie FREJAVILLE (IUT), Elodie GONIS (L3), Delphine NOEL (L2), Even BERTRAND (stage)