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Name JOYAUX Mélanie
 Mélanie Joyaux
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors F. Todesco / C. Murat
Subject CulturTruf: quantification of truffle DNA in soils of orchards
Type of study BTS Internship
Period May-June, 2017
Name PETITJEAN Coralie
 Coralie Petitjean
Team Ecology of forest pathogenic fungi team
Supervisors B. Fabre / P. Frey
Subject Characterization of poplar resistances to poplar rust
Type of study Master 1 internship, Agrocampus Ouest – Angers
Period May-August, 2017
Name LECANUET Mathilde
 Mathide Lecanuet
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors A. Brun/P. Frey-Klett
Subject Design of communication supports for tick collection in the Citicks participatory research project
Type of study  Licence Sciences de la Vie, 3ème année, Univ. Lorraine
Period May-June, 2017