Newcomers : C. Truchot, A. Henocq and T. Bacchetta

Name> TRUCHOT Charlotte  Charlotte Truchot
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors M. Buée / Dominique Gerant (EEF)
Subject Seasonal dynamics of carbon reserves in lowland hardwood forests
Type of study BTS internship (technician degree)
Period January-March, 2018
Name HENOCQ Alexandra
 Alexandra Henocq
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors C. Bonnot/F. Martin
Subject Characterisation of the nutritional signals regulating the establishment and maintenance of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis (ECM) in Poplar
Type of study Master 2 internship
Period January-July, 2018
 Thomas Bacchetta
Team Stress response and redox regulation
Supervisor M. Morel-Rouhier
Subject Functional diversity of SSP1 proteins: biochemical and in vivo approches
Type of study Master 2 BioMane internship at Lorraine University
Period January-July, 2018