Purification of Fungal High Molecular Weight Genomic DNA from Environmental Samples. L Fauchery, S Uroz, M Buée, A Kohler. Fungal Genomics, 21-35
Sequencing of a high number of fungal genomes has become possible due to the development of next generation sequencing techniques (NGS). The most recent developments aim to sequence single-molecule long-reads in order to improve genome assemblies, but consequently needs higher quality (minimum >20 kbp) DNA as starting material. However, environmental-derived samples from soil, wood, or litter often contain phenolic compounds, pigments, and other molecules that can be inhibitors for reactions during sequencing library construction. In this chapter, we propose an optimized protocol allowing the preparation of high quality and long fragment DNA from different samples (mycelium, fruiting body, soil) compatible with the current sequencing requirements.