Newcomers: J. Jacquin, A. Touron, M. Zahedi

Name JACQUIN Justine
 Justine Jacquin
Team Ecology of forest pathogenic fungi team
Supervisors F. Halkett & A. Andrieux
Subject The effect of dispersal on the investment in mycelium production in the poplar rust
Type of study Internship, ENSAIA, third year
Periods 4 times one week (2017: 43,47,51 and 2018: 4 )
Name TOURON Amandine
 Amandine Touron
Team Ecology of forest pathogenic fungi team
Supervisors F. Halkett
Subject Polymorphism of the candidate vir7 locus in Melampsora larici-populina
Type of study Internship, ENSAIA, third year
Periods 4 times one week (2017: 43,47,51 and 2018: 4 )
Name ZAHEDI Maxime
 Maxime Zahedi
Team Ecology of forest pathogenic fungi team
Supervisors B. Fabre & F. Halkett
Subject Sujet
Type of study Internship, ENSAIA, third year
Periods 4 times one week (2017: 43,47,51 and 2018: 4 )

Newcomers: ML. Martin & B. Pissot

Name MARTIN Marie-Laure
Marie-Laure Martin
Team Ecology of forest pathogenic fungi team
Supervisor B. Marçais
Subject Impact of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus on growth of F. excelsior
Type of study Internship, AgroParisTech, second year (Année de césure)
Period Sept. 2017- February, 2018
Name PISSOT Brice
Brice Pissot
Team Ecogenomics of interactions team
Supervisors C. Veneault-Fourrey/V. Basso
Subject Bidirectional analysis of the role of jasmonate signaling in establishment of Poplar-Laccaria mycorrhiza
Type of study BTS internship, second year
Period Oct.-Dec, 2017